NPU family, 

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and great new year. As we approach the 2025 Legislative Session (Starts February 3rd), we are laser focused on keeping the legislators updated on our concerns. Over the last few months, I have met with several of our Senators and Assembly persons voicing our concerns. And working on ideas to keep the momentum from the last session going. We made record strides just 2 years ago. We saw a huge 23% raise effective July 1, 2023, and another 11% raise on July 2, 2024 (because the Governor vetoed the PERS bill).  Our team has been meeting regularly and the recent survey we sent out was extremely helpful. I will be there at the Legislative building for much of the session. Getting in front of as many Senators and Assembly persons as I can. The squeaky wheel gets me the grease! As most of you know, I can be pretty persistent, which I am certain helped tremendously last session. As for NPU’s legislative agenda this year, we are going to be pushing our “Pay Parity” bill as well as supporting the reintroduction of the PERS bill. We work very closely with the other Law Enforcement Unions and Associations throughout the state. We are ALL pushing for the PERS bill and so far, it seems there is bipartisan support to get this passed. It’s a necessity to keep progressing for Nevada State employees. I want to thank you all, both Unit G and Unit L members for all the great info and feedback on the CBA survey we sent out. We had a tremendous amount of responses.  

Let’s talk CBA now. Both NPU teams (Unit G and the newly formed Unit L) are moving forward and getting prepared for the upcoming negotiations with the state. Negotiations begin the week of February 10th. We are cautiously optimistic that we can make progress towards growing and strengthening the 3rd CBA for Unit G (Line level) and we are excited to get the 1st contract for Unit L (Supervisors) done and established. Both negotiating teams are working hard and prepared. We are putting the final changes to our proposals and are ready for in-person negotiations. We are fortunate to have help from the NTC (National Troopers Coalition) and their extensive experience in negotiating CBAs. The negotiation team for Unit G consists of: 

  • Alex Velto (Attorney) 
  • Jennifer Johnson (NPU Southern Director) 
  • James Mortimore (NPU Vice President) 
  • Jaime McGuire (NPU Executive Board Member) 
  • Daisy Kollasch (NPU Executive Board Member) 
  • Dan Gordon (NPU President) 
  • Nate Johnson (National Trooper’s Coalition- Chairman) 
  • Wayne Blanchard (National Troopers Coalition-Vice Chairman) 
  • Andy Matthews (National Troopers Coalition- Executive Director)

Your Unit L negotiations team is: 

  • Devon Reese (Attorney) 
  • Andy Granata (NPU Unit L Chairman) 
  • John Galicia (NPU Unit L – Vice Chairman- North) 
  • Asa Kulkin (NPU Unit L – Vice Chairman – South) 
  • Ian Knight (NPU Unit L – Vice Chairman- At Large) 

We have scoured many law enforcement CBAs from the state of Nevada. Washoe, Washoe Supervisors, Metro, Metro Supervisors, RPD, just to name a few. We have taken ideas from those contracts and ideas from the survey. We did the same for the last contract negotiation. We are looking to build on the previous 2 contracts.  

I will be sending email updates on a more regular basis and as information becomes available. Be sure to follow our socials Facebook, Instagram and X for information too.  

Lastly, a few updates regarding some small NPU changes and plans. First, we are working with our website people to develop an app for smart phones. This will be the absolute best way for us to get info out to our members. It will also be pre-loaded with info so you will have access to important information, even if you have no cell service (ie: what to do if involved in an OIS or critical incident). What information is required to give for a “public safety statement.” Etc.…. We are hopeful that we can have this done sooner than later.  

Secondly, we are getting more effective everyday. We have (kind of) changed the website and our emails. The website address will be ( will still work). Our emails have also changed a bit. Email addresses are now will still work as well. 

As usual, if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or anything you need, never hesitate to call, email or text me. You know I’ll answer.  Feel free to also reach out to any of the NPU Board members as they are always willing to assist as well. 

Always moving forward, 


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