About Us
Our Story
“Guardians for state police employees of Nevada”
In 1972, the Nevada Highway Patrol Association was formed. Our founding members formed the Association to protect and advocate for the rights and working conditions of Nevada State Troopers.
Now known as the Nevada Police Union, we currently represent both sworn and non-sworn members of the State Police, University Police, Department of Wildlife, State Parks, and the Department of Agriculture.
The Nevada Police Union is more than just a labor union. It is a fraternal organization whose mission is to improve the lives of our members through advocacy, representation, and charitable activities. The NPU works to advance legislation and policies that improve policing in Nevada, which benefits all residents and visitors to our state. As the largest state level law enforcement union, we realize the importance of our role in advocating for excellence in policing. We look to partner with all community leaders to help make Nevada a safe and prosperous place to call home.
“50 years after our inception, I’m left wondering if our founding members could have ever dreamed of what was to come for their Association. While our span of influence has significantly increased, our commitment to serve our brothers and sisters in state law enforcement has never waned and remains true to our founders’ intent.
Whether you are a peace officer, civilian employee, or a member of the public, we hope you will consider joining the Nevada Police Union, and help us to be a positive force for good.”
-Dan Gordon, President
Legal Protections
Member Representation
Hardships & Scholarhips
Nevada Police Union
Protecting our Members …
Mission Statement
To provide for the protection and well-being of Nevada’s peace officers and public safety employees through representation in matters related to compensation, benefits, and working conditions to ensure our communities receive the highest level of service.
Established in 1972. Unionized in 2020.
Our Board of Directors…
Dan Gordon
Nevada State Police – Trooper
James Mortimore
Vice President
Department of Wildlife – Game Warden
Michael Bradford
Jennifer Johnson
Nevada State Police Parole and Probation
Daisy Kollasch
Nevada State Police – Trooper
Jaime McGuire
University Police Services
Kyle Groth
State Parks
Luis Villanueva
Nevada State Police – Trooper
Reesha Powell
Executive Director