Every day, Nevada State Law Enforcement Officers help people. We help protect the citizens of our state, and safeguard the motoring public that travels our roadways, visit our state parks and enjoy our natural resources. We are the guardians of Nevada’s well-being. It’s a tall order, and it demands a high degree of professionalism, courage, and commitment.

The Nevada Police Union is the guardian of the men and women who have accepted the challenge to provide professional law enforcement services to the people of Nevada. The Union’s membership is comprised of highway patrol troopers, dispatch communications, parole and probation officers, fire marshals, detectives, game wardens, park rangers, university police, capitol police, agriculture police, and public safety workers.

The Nevada Police Union’s Mission Statement is:

“To provide for the protection and well-being of Nevada’s peace officers and public safety employees through representation in matters related to compensation, benefits, and working conditions to ensure our communities receive the highest level of service.”

Click on the “Join Now” button below to start your membership today.

Over 100 years of history...

Previously known as the Nevada Highway Patrol Association, or “NHPA”, we have served our members since 1972 , by providing benefits and protective features that cannot be supplied by the Nevada State Police.

Providing support to Nevada state police agencies employees and their families




President’s Message

As President of the Nevada Police Union, thank you for visiting our website and for your continued support. We would like this website to be a method of ensuring better communication and providing up to date information for both our members and the communities in which we serve. I am honored and humbled to serve as the President of this organization and will continue to lead the Nevada Police Union in helping our members succeed through continued advocacy for better pay and working conditions for Nevada’s state police.

The Nevada Police Union has the honor of representing close to 1000 line level State Police officers, sworn State Police supervisors, dispatchers and civilian personnel throughout the great State of Nevada. Although we are only able to represent line level State police officers in the collective bargaining process, we continue to advocate for ALL of our members. Our mission is to provide for the protection and well-being of Nevada’s peace officers and public safety employees through representation in matters related to compensation, benefits, and working conditions to ensure our communities receive the highest level of service.

If you are not currently a member of the Nevada Police Union, please consider joining us and if you are already a member, thank you for continued support. I would encourage all members to become active with the Nevada Police Union as by working together we can have a positive impact on the lives of our State of Nevada officers, public safety employees and ultimately the communities in which we live and work.

Stay up to date with more Nevada Police Union information by liking our Facebook page, Instagram, and following us on x (formerly Twitter)..

Thank you again for visiting our website and for your continued support.


– Dan Gordon

President of the Nevada Police Union

A Memorial to our fallen heroes...

The Nevada Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is located on the grounds of the Nevada State Capitol in Carson City. The Memorial was built to honor the memory of law enforcement officers who died in the service of the State of Nevada.

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