Happy summer to my NPU family, 

It’s that time again…..time for some updates. First, we continue to improve our website to include emails, updates, newsletters, messages.  We are hoping to have the Gear Shop up and running by September 1st and will have some great merchandise available for purchase.    

Supervisor Unit (Unit L) – We are moving full speed ahead on getting organized.  Unfortunately, this is not a quick and easy process.  But rest assured, we are working hard and moving forward the best we can.  Before we can get the Supervisor Unit ready to negotiate the FIRST collective bargaining contract, a few changes need to be made to the NPU bylaws and an election to create a separate executive board needs to take place. We are working on the bylaws changes now and hope to be done in the coming weeks. We are working closely with our attorneys to make sure we comply with all laws pertaining to unionization and collective bargaining.   More info to come on the elections very soon.  If interested in being involved in developing an executive board or with collective bargaining for the Supervisor Unit, please let me know.   

NPU Board Elections – We have 2 NPU Board positions nearing the end of their term.  DPS North and University Police positions expire at the end of the year.  The DPS North position currently held by Rob Conely is one of those positions.  Rob has notified me that he will not be seeking election for another term.  Rob is nearing the end of his career and is looking forward to a much-deserved retirement.  The NPU Executive Board and I would like to thank Rob for an amazing job and dedication over the last 6+ years.  Rob has been instrumental in the unionization of Nevada Highway Patrol Association to becoming the Nevada Police Union.  He was also heavily involved in negotiating NPU’s 1st ever CBA as well as the second contract last year.  Again, a HUGE thank you to Rob for his hard work over the years. 

The other NPU Board position up for election is University Police (North and South).  This is currently held by Jaime McGuire.  Jaime will be seeking re-election for her 3rd and final term (term limit of 3 as written in NPU Bylaws).  Jaime has been a tremendous part of the NPU Executive Board for about 6 years and continues to fight for ALL NPU members.  She also has been instrumental in our 1st and 2nd CBAs and will be involved in our next contract negotiation later this year. 

We would like to welcome our newest NPU Executive Board Member, Daisy Kollasch.  Daisy will be stepping up and fulfilling the remaining year+ of Tommy van Oeveren’s term.  Tommy has decided to step away from his NPU position and focus on some other personal endeavors at home.  We all want to thank Tommy for his hard work over the last 2 years.  Many have received help and guidance from Tommy in a time of need or issue, and we are glad he helped our members.  Thank you, Tommy!  See Tommy’s note to the Board and members below.   

Member Profile – Another quick reminder for all NPU members.  If you have not already done so, please go to the website, log into your account and update your member profile.   

Scholarship – If you have children headed to college or trade school, apply for the NPU scholarships.  These scholarships are also available to our members that are taking continuing education classes towards earning your degree, or another degree, trade school or certification that is LE and job specific. The application is on the website under the member area https://nvpolice.org/member-area/ 

Lastly, look for Look for a survey to come out soon to provide comments and ideas for what we need in our next collective bargaining agreement…besides a pay raise, we are already working on that legislatively.   

As always, feel free to reach out to me.  You already know it is my goal to keep NPU moving forward and to help ALL our membership the best I can. 


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